MACV Vietnam
Award from US Army Chief of Staff for my service in Vietnam
Award from US Army Chief of Staff General Fred C Weyand for my service in Vietnam
Services in Japan / Asia
– Executive Search
– Sales Rep Music & Hollywood Film Industries
– ESL Instructor Japan Airlines
– Social Worker SE Asia
– USO volunteer
– グラミー賞受賞バンドの音楽家、コンサートツアー スティービー・ワンダー、
イーグルス、ストーンズ、ソー シャルワーカー、IT リクルーター研究者、教師。
– 日本語での私の生い立ち、仕事内容等の記載は、上の [About] の項目をクリックしていただくと拝見できます。
Talent Acquisition since 1990
– Big Four Consulting, SaaS, blockchain, crypto, financials, tech, entertainment, start-ups.
– License 13-ユ-305017 有料職業紹介認可番号
– B2B partner with licensed agencies.
– Cliffworks complies with Japan protection of personal information law.
renewal application submitted
Talent Acquisition
Achievements in Asia Since 1972
Executive recruiter for multinational firms in Tokyo since 1989.
Paramount & Universal Home Entertainment APAC sales marketing, anti-piracy.
Japan Country Manager Int’l Musician & Recording World, UK Penthouse Magazines.
Music industry rep. Int’l recording artist liaison.
Social worker SE Asia.
Communications reporting with Cambodia Liaison to Interpol.
Schecter Guitar Research – grew market conducted workshops nationwide.
English Instructor Japan Airlines.
Sourced Japan distributor for Mesa Engineering.
Consulted for Peavey Electronics.
Sales rep: Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Fender Japan…
Rep Jon Herington – Steely Dan, Nate Watts – Stevie Wonder.
Vietnam 1971-2 Honorary rank of GS-15 civilian equiv of Captain.
Awarded by US Army Chief of Staff, General Fred C. Weyand.
Bob Hope USO tours of Vietnam, Japan, Guam, Philippines.
Music Industry Rep
Concert tours, artist liaison, backline. Travel with artists to ensure seamless tours. Clients to date:
Don Henley, Stevie Wonder, Kansas, Toto, Journey, Ambrosia, The Association, Alan Parsons, John Entwistle, Todd Rundgren, Darryl Jones – Rolling Stones,
Keith Emerson, Delmar Brown, Kenwood Dennard – Miles Davis, Sting, Jaco Pastorius, Talking Heads, Weather Report, Hall & Oates,
Hiram Bullock, David Williams – Michael Jackson, Wayne Johnson – Manhattan Transfer, John Lee Hooker, Robert Cray, Deacon Jones, Thai artists Jintara Punlarp, Carabao.
UDO (Japan’s oldest concert promoter) and Bluenote artists.
Musicians I worked with in LA in the 70’s include
Ambrosia all members, The Association, Art Wood (Gary Wright, Cher, Star Search), David Benoit, Armando Compean (Lowell George, Albert King, Johnny Winters), Michael Willars (Ronnie Laws),
Keith Hollar (Tina Turner), Kenny Lee Lewis (Steve Miller), Tony Garnier (Bob Dylan, SNL) John Pierce (Huey Lewis), Gene Argel, Jon Hartman, Fredy Beato, Art Pepper, Jimmie Smith, Tommy Gumina (Polytone), Lew Malin, Mark Leon, Joe Kennedy, Larry McCrae, Sulubika, Lee Matalon, many others…
Alan Parsons, Dave Pack, Cliff, Abbey Road Japan Tour
Alan Parsons, Dave Pack (Ambrosia), Cliff, Abbey Road Japan Tour
Cambodia singer national treasure Meng Pichenda – Meng Pichenda, Cambodia, 1997 I arranged for her appearance at 2001 WOMAD World Music Festival
Knucks and me copy896f
Michael Knuckles road manager Jaco Pastorius we had years of hangs at his LA studio
Midori Kawakami_ CW Guitar 1 a709
Midori Kawakami is a fine singer originally from Osaka, I led bands backing her in LA.
Tony Garnier, Cliff, Charlie Sexton Dylan tour 2001
Tony Garnier, Cliff, Charlie Sexton Dylan Japan tour 2001
Manhattan Transfer Wayne Johnson – Wayne Johnson on tour w Manhattan Transfer
Art Pepper, Jimmie Smith, Tommy Gumina, Cliff
Art Pepper, Jimmie Smith, Tommy Gumina, Gary Michaels, Cliff – Queen Mary Gig – 1970
Chris Littleton tour manager Eagles 2011 – 2018 Tim McGraw
Chris Littleton tour manager Tim McGraw, Eagles, Toto, Shania Twain, Steve Miller, Madonna, Luis Miguel many more.
Woody and medae4
Club D’elf Roppongi 2008 Berklee cats – Kenwood Dennard, sax man Skerik, Mike Rivard
Cliff acoustic guitar w Ambrosia – The Who’s Rock Opera Tommy
rehearsing for The Who’s Rock Opera Tommy with Ambrosia
Cluf d_Elf w Tommy Campbell standing9fdb
Club d’Elf, Tommy Campbell, Cliff & son Riku, Kenwood Dennard, Mike Rivard, Skerik, Fuze
Cambodian journalist team 1997
A Team Cambodia 1997 – Major Mark A. Smith, Col Soth Sambath Interpol Liaison.
Vietnam ’72 wearing USO cap, I still have it! – Vietnam ’72 the enemy ran when they heard my music saving untold number of civilian and military lives